Scammers are making a lot many income from simple looking Facebook Applications. Now, Facebook is turning into Spambook rather than Facebook. One more spam has been added to this book. This new survey scam is a massive hit on Facebook and many people have been scammed.
This Scam claims to reveal your total Facebook Profile looks like the Orkut which displays recent users which saw your profile. The application will use your Facebook Wall to post spam messages onto user’s profile. This is totally SCAM. There is nothing like this which can actually tell how many times your profile has been viewed.
How this SPAM works:
You will see that your friend’s status update saying that he got to know how many people viewed his profile with the number. It will be like this:
My total facebook views are : 9632
Find out what your total profile views are:
After the application post the Status Update, it will redirect you to a web page which claims that it can calculate the number of people who viewed your profile.
What you can do if you are victim of this Scam?
If you are infected with this Scam, firstly remove all the Status Updates which the application have automatically added. Then you have to remove the application to stop it accessing your Facebook profile. For this follow these steps:
- Go to Account > Privacy Settings
- You will see an option saying “Apps and Websites“. Below it there will be a link saying “Edit your settings” Click that link
- New page will be opened, there you can see the Privacy options of Apps, Games and Websites which are connected with your Facebook Account.
- The first option will be “Apps you use“. There will be a button saying “Edit Settings”. Click on it.
- After you click it, you will see a list showing all the application to which your Facebook Account is connected.
- Search the application saying “funnysweb“. Remove it from your Facebook Account.
Now you have successfully removed the spamming application. We hope that this post helped you, do consider sharing this with others to spread the awareness and help infected peoples. 
nice sharing bro, thanks a lot...